A large, mostly open plain on the northern side of the southeastern continent that stretches far and wide to support the semi-nomadic Beast Folk people. It is a land rich in natural resources and, at least to the Beast Folk, rich in history and symbolism. Their oral history goes back to previous ages and through the stories of mighty heroes and dangerous threats.
To most outsiders, there is little other than the occasional tribe to try and visit, but to Beast Folk and the few in the know, there exists what could only be described as a roaming city called Union. While the tribes are generally in a bloodless competition with one another through duels and games over territory and resources, there exists a neutral ground that all the tribes use for trade and negotiation, a large city-sized gathering of people and tents that changes location depending on the season and current animal migration patterns.
This location will generally have many Tabaxi and Lupin appearing, as both of these races live within the nearby forests to the east and west of the Beastplains and are peaceful with the Beast Folk tribes. However, the two races generally dislike each other. They need the Beast Folk to mediate, with Tabaxi annoyed with how restricting and unbending the Lupin are and the Lupin annoyed with how aloof and carefree the Tabaxi are. Both races generally do not deal much with each other except in Union and when forced to even though their tribes live relatively close to each other and both get along well with most other races.