Rituals - Greater Rituals
Rituals are varied magical effects that can only be created by those with the Ritual ability and generally require expensive materials to perform as well as time and energy. Rituals cannot be performed in combat, and you must meet the required level to use the ritual, even if you have the ability. All of the materials required can be crafted or purchased from an NPC, but an experienced Alchemist can make them all at a reduced cost.
Create Froststone
[Level 1] Quicksilver
You can enchant a small bit of waterstone with additional magic to further increase its potential in fighting heat, providing a +2 to your Fatigue Bonus when in the Deep Desert, but not stacking with a Waterstone. Using this ritual allows you to craft a Froststone item with the cost of 40s (manasmiths can use expert crafting for this).
Detect Magic
[Level 1] Quicksilver (10s total)
You may visually confirm and inspect magical spells, items, and effects in the nearby area. Basic spells, rituals, and magical items would all become identifiable under a Detect Magic. Information about any other magical aura can be discovered by rolling an Awareness skill check with Detect Magic active (and contacting a DM).
[Level 1] No Materials
You can create minor magical effects and tricks. This magic cannot harm another or create anything of value. Still, it can produce such effects as lighting a candle from afar, floating objects that weigh less than 5 pounds, producing a tiny bit of light, lightly closing a door, changing the taste of food, changing the color of an object, or cleaning part of an object. Nothing living or animated can be created, but simple illusions of such things that are clear they are illusions can be created, as well as small, crude, and artificial-looking objects. Unlike most other rituals, Prestidigitation can be performed quickly and with simple gestures.
[Level 1] Quicksilver (10s total)
You can turn back your own physical state to remove wounds. Once the ritual is complete you will heal up to 5 HP of damage the first time you take damage in combat while wielding a focus weapon. This ritual stays in effect until triggered.
Detect Lies
[Level 3] Quicksilver, Vial of Holy Water, Silver Dust (30s total)
You can more easily discern lies. Any time you ask a creature a question, you may roll Awareness to detect the presence of a lie in their answer, however, the individual may also roll Deception to fool any potential detection when you attempt this. An Affected creature is aware of this enchantment and may avoid answering questions or be evasive as long as they remain within the boundaries of the truth. This ritual stays in effect for the rest of the scene, but repeated asking of the same question (even if asked a different way) gets the same result.
[Level 3] Quicksilverx2, Oils (30s total)
A touched ally becomes invisible. The spell persists until the target makes a combat roll, ritual, aggressive act, or you dismiss the effect. While the spell is ongoing, you cannot use any other rituals, Cure, Blast, or Shapeshift.
While invisible, you must still make a Stealth skill check when entering the vicinity of others, but any failure roll (2-6) is treated as a partial success (7-9), and even when someone is able to and makes a successful Awareness skill roll, they know you are nearby but cannot see you.
If forced into combat after being detected, attackers have a -5 penalty on their Combat Rolls targeting you, and if successful, your invisibility falls. When in combat, doing anything other than attempting to flee breaks your invisibility.
Invisibility Purge
[Level 3] Quicksilver, Powdered Horn (20s total)
You surround yourself with a sphere of power that negates all forms of invisibility in your surroundings for the rest of the scene.
Break Enchantment
[Level 5] Quicksilver, Vial of Holy Water, Silver Dustx3 (50s total)
This ritual frees victims from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. Success means that the creature is free of one curse or effect. If the effect comes from a permanent magic item, break enchantment does not remove the curse from the item, but it does free the victim from the item’s effects.
Elemental Aura
Requires Blast
[Level 5] Quicksilver (10s total)
You form an aura of energy around yourself, empowering a future spell. At any time while Elemental Aura is active and you use Blast, you may discharge Elemental Aura to deal an additional 2 damage with your Blast ability, if it is successful. This ritual stays in effect until discharged.
Requires Cure
[Level 5] Quicksilver, Vial of Holy Water, Silver Dustx3 (50s total)
You remove all diseases, debilities, or poisons from a single subject and regrow any severed or destroyed body parts.
Advanced rituals function like normal rituals but are more powerful, expensive, and require the Greater Rituals advanced special ability.
Raise Dead or Awaken Undead
Requires Cure
[Level 5] Quicksilver, Vial of Holy Water, Silver Dustx28 (300s total)
A soul is reunited with its former body, bringing a deceased/destroyed person back to the state of life or undeath it had previously without a loss of levels, but still losing the last 24 hours of their memory. This ritual must be performed within a week of a character’s fall, and cannot be completed if the soul has already been given a new body by one of the beacons, or if the body is not mostly intact.
[Level 7] Quicksilver
You may craft any one item of any quality, material or magical effect, but unlike using the crafting Abilities, you are unable to use the Expert Crafting option and instead must pay full price when creating the item unless you also possess the necessary crafting Ability.
Resurrection or Create Undead
Requires Cure
[Level 7] Quicksilver, Vial of Holy Water, Silver Dustx48 (500s total)
A new body is imbued with a soul, bringing a deceased/destroyed person back to the state of life or undeath it had previously without a loss of levels, but still losing the last 24 hours of their memory. This ritual cannot be completed if the soul has already been given a new body by one of the beacons.
Requires Blast
[Level 7] Quicksilver, Ritual Incense, Powdered Hornx3 (50s total)
This ritual instantly transports you to a designated destination that you have been to previously. You may bring along two allies.
Zone of Truth
[Level 7] Quicksilver, Vial of Holy Water, Silver Dustx5 (70s total)
A 20ft area is marked off with silver dust and all in the area can’t speak any deliberate and intentional lies. Affected creatures are aware of this enchantment and may avoid answering questions or be evasive as long as they remain within the boundaries of the truth. The effect lasts until the caster leaves the marked area or up to one day.
Cursed Wind
[Level 9] Quicksilver, Pouch of Bone Dustx30, Vial of Bloodx30, Ritual Incensex9 (700s total)
You decide Living, Undead, or Both and conjure up powerful forces that will attempt to curse all of the selected type for a time.
Contact an Admin a few days ahead of using this ritual to work out the type of curse, its effects, and the duration it will last.
[Level 9] Quicksilver
You temporarily connect the mind of the individual to some otherworldly being, allowing them to sacrifice some of their wealth to alter their own attributes, skills, and abilities. The cost of the this ritual depends upon how much an individual changes and cannot be further reduced with item crafting. An admin will need to be available to carry out the changes and to take or confirm the sacrificed silver.
Reselecting everything costs 2000 silver
Reselecting all Attributes costs 1000 silver
Reselecting a Skill Mastery costs 400 silver each
Reselecting an Ability costs 300 silver each