Shop rentals differ in many ways from private and business rentals and are here for active roleplayers to have a chance to create their own businesses on sim. Shop rentals require an application to explain the intent behind any business, group, or service that will be provided out of the building so that it can be given to those that would best add to the community.
By paying for a shop, you agree to the following terms:
1.) You must follow the rules of the sim and SecondLife TOS.
2.) You must not also rent a business to be fair to everyone. If you want to move to a new rental, the old one must be given up. No transfer of rental time will be made to the new rental.
3.) Rentals are offered as-is. They will not be moved, recolored, modified, or changed in any way, so choose something you enjoy.
4.) Keep scripts within reason. If an item puts excessive strain on sim resources, you may be asked to remove it. This also means NO temp rez devices.
5.) No security orbs or ejectors.
6.) Breedables are not permitted.
7.) Items that make excessive noise (crying babies, animals, etc.) are not allowed. You *may* set out low script animals inside your rental, but they must be set to silent. You may be contacted to silence/remove an object if there are noise issues.
8.) Rentals may NOT be used for OOC commercial purposes (no stores, gacha resells, breedable sales, etc.).
9.) All items must be contained inside the rental units. Specific permission may be granted to place small items on a porch that maintain the aesthetic of the sim.
10.) Items will be auto-returned upon termination of rental if you do not pick them up yourself. Rez no copy items at your own risk. We are not responsible for any lost items.
11.) Keep within your prim allowance. Continuing to exceed the limits despite warnings may result in eviction.
12.) There are no refunds on rentals.
13.) Rentals have an arrears period of 48 hours. You will be contacted when you go into arrears. If you have not paid rent on time after the arrears period ends, items will be auto-returned and the rental will become available to others.
14.) Shops are not to be used for OOC and are considered a public RP area with you having IC rights. Those with an additional upstairs room component can be used as a home and apply normal domicile rental rules.
15.) Unless special arrangements are made, you will be limited to no more than 2 subtenants on a rental. ​
16.) We reserve the right to remove any shop owners that we feel are not adequately fulfilling the RP purpose of the space.
Duskmire Dock Single - CLOSED
Duskmire Dock Double - CLOSED
Lakeside Shop - OPEN
Vyldarin Large x2 - CLOSED