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All characters can craft all non-magical equipment without any extra abilities, but skilled crafters can do so cheaper and potentially make rare and magical equipment.

HUD - Crafting - Expert Crafting - Trading - Selling & Banking

Walkthrough Item HUD1.gif
Walkthrough Item HUD2.gif

1. Empty Inventory Slot

You cannot create an item in Setup Mode. Open your inventory and select an empty slot to make the crafting options on the side of your inventory appear.


2. Craft or Expert Craft

Depending on your character's abilities, you'll then select normal crafting or expert crafting (see abilities below) and start to receive dialog prompts asking you about the item you are creating.

  • Name of the item.

  • Cost of the item (number only). The HUD will handle any silver reduction; always put the item's standard cost here.

  • Item Tags, which vary depending on the item and are found on the equipment page. Simply type them in separated by commas, and the HUD will automatically include the silver tag and cost. You do not need to input full item descriptions, just their tags if they have any. As an important note, food and drink items will need to have the "food" tag to be consumable in the HUD.


3. Item Icon

After filling out all the prompts, a new window will slide out displaying numerous graphic icons you could potentially use for your item. They will all appear white at first, but once you select the icon you wish for the item, a new set of that icon in various colors will appear at the bottom of the same window. Simply select the color you wish.


4. Finalize Item​​

After selecting the colored icon at the bottom, your crafting is near complete, the window will close, and you will get a dialog prompt displaying all the details of your item and asking you if you wish to craft this. Double-check to make sure you have not used Expert Crafting if you do not have the correct ability (it will say "Expertly crafted by" instead of just "Crafted by" in the details). If everything is correct, simply click Yes, and if you have enough silver to create the item, it will be subtracted, and the item created.


Make sure NOT to use expert crafting if you do not have a move for it. We track item creation, and the items themselves say if they were crafted using it and who made it, so anyone making expert items without having spent a level on the ability will be considered to be abusing the system and have actions taken against them.

Expert Crafting

Able to use the expert crafting option in the HUD (anvil with star), which reduces item cost by 25%. You still input the item's full value, and the HUD will handle the reduction of silver spent for you.


You can only use special materials and create magic items using expert crafting in the field for which you have taken an ability. The abilities are listed here:


  • Weaponsmith: can use Expert Crafting for all weapons, allowing Special Materials to be used and Magical versions to be made

  • Armorsmith: can use Expert Crafting for all armors, allowing Special Materials to be used and Magical versions to be made

  • Alchemist: can use Expert Crafting for all Healing Items, Potions, Poisons, and Occult Items

  • Manasmith: can craft and use Expert Crafting for all Wondrous Items


Trading Items

Select the item you wish to trade in your inventory and another small bar will appear on the right side of your inventory. There you'll have 4 choices:

  • Inspection - gives details of the item to yourself and anyone else nearby.

  • Trade - a dialog prompt will popup asking you to confirm your intention to trade the selected item to your current target. Double check both are correct and then confirm to send the trade that must then be accepted by the other party.

  • Consume - consume a food/drink item for +2HP for the rest of the day.

  • Destruction - destroy an item, you get nothing back from the item for doing so.


Trading Silver

Click the word Silver in the inventory section:

  1. You will get a dialog prompt that asks if you wish to show your current amount of silver to everyone nearby, trade silver, or show all of your items.

  2. Once trade is selected you input the amount you wish to trade

  3. A final confirmation prompt that includes your current target whom will get the silver. If successful the HUD will list the trade in chat for you.


Each faction has several NPC merchants that will purchase any items you have on you for 50% of the cost of the item (1 silver items will sell for 0). You can generally find these NPCs in markets or stores.


Simply click the merchant, and a list of the items on you will be displayed, and you select the item from the list to sell it. This can not be undone.


Each faction also has 1 banker (Duskmire docks for the living, Vyldarin tavern for the undead) that you can safely store important or expensive items with. However, there is a small fee of 5% of the item's cost to withdraw the item again.

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