Conflict and combat are essential parts of Soulmoor, but because of this and the potentially harsh consequences of taking part in it, there are some guidelines to follow to ensure things are kept somewhat fair and fun for all involved.
These are the general combat guidelines that every character must follow:
You cannot form a group of more than 4 people with the intention of doing combat. This includes having more than 4 but only sending 4 to combat while more wait to attack or assist, depending on the outcome, as well as splitting a larger force into multiple groups of 4 to attack the same location.
If you were not a part of a scene before combat started, you cannot witness the fight, join it late, or stick around to heal after it is over.
If you were a part of a scene but did not join the combat, you must leave the area. While you are witness to the start of the fight, you cannot be witness to the kidnapping, murder, aftermath, or whatever else it may lead to.
An exception is if the scene occurs at a business, a guild's headquarters, or within chat range of your rental, and you were there before combat started. In these instances, you can be a witness to the fight and what happens after but cannot stop the winner from looting an item from the loser or escaping. If the winner decides to take the loser captive, you can intervene to stop the active kidnapping as normal.​
Each person left standing in combat can take 1 captive (helpless but on the winning side is not standing), and no one arriving just after combat will be able to do so in time to stop it. The exception to this is if the victors are in their own city or village, as assistance can be called to help gather all those unconscious.
While attempting to kidnap an individual, any NPC guards of their faction will force combat upon you in their attempt to stop you. Anyone else you pass should be given a post of you carrying/dragging the victim and a chance to post stopping you if they wish. Fleeing from any of these battles means you have left your captive behind.
While you can intervene during an active kidnapping you witness, once the captive has successfully been imprisoned, you cannot mount a rescue before 24 hours have passed.
Giving yourself up to authorities or as a captive counts as having lost a combat encounter, and the authorities or your capturers can loot 1 item from you if they decide to do so (it may not be IC legal). Regardless of how long you are captive or how often control over you changes hands, you can never have another item looted until after you have regained your freedom and recovered.
Moving throughout the land takes time. Moving across a sim, between layers, or across the sea takes hours. Rushing to a potential battle scene from far away or leaving a scene to seek help and rejoining is NOT possible. Common sense applies.
NPC guards will intervene when a citizen or the location is under attack by an outsider or criminal if they are within 20m. An NPC guard must be defeated or fled from like any other enemy for combat to be over.
A group's headquarters would have defenses and alarms past the few NPC guards. While attackers are free to raid open portions of a city and attack guards, a time must be coordinated with the target group's lead to raid an actual HQ building, and a 4v4 battle should be scheduled.
The attackers must still deal with any NPC guards present and along the path to the HQ, potentially risking fatigue.
The defender's lead can choose not to have a player defense instead of coordinating a day and time but must then accept any reasonable damage done to the HQ (we aren't going to change the build for an attack, so nothing drastic).
Those defending must either be a part of the group being attacked or be part of a guard force for the settlement.
Only these locations have these limitations:
Duskmire Castle​
Adventurer's Guild Building
Mage's Guild Tower
Church of Light
Akhatar Town Hall
Caethalas Warden's Hall
Steel Crows Ship
Grimskull Chieftan's Hut
Vyldarin Castle
Hunter's Market
Helgasker Longhall