All staff are expected to follow the sim rules. Staff are expected to be mature and approachable. Favoritism is not allowed. Staff cannot also hold leadership positions on sim, though they may be temporarily placed in a vacancy until a fitting player can be found. If you feel you might make a good addition to the staffing team, please read the descriptions and then submit the application. You will only be contacted if we need further information/interview, or if you are approved for the position.
Staff may be removed at any time if not acting in a way that is expected of them, not performing their duties adequately, or showing signs of "burnout." This will be treated like a business entity and staffing changes will be made based on what is best for the sim, never anything personal. If you previously held a staff position and had to step down, but left under good terms, reapplications will be considered.
Front line in greeting new players and making them feel at home.
You are NOT expected to act as mods, but may kindly point out to someone if they are breaking a sim rule.
Answer simple questions, help new players find info or places, reach out to those who look lost.
Assist players in creating characters as needed, such as courteously pointing out if an avatar does not fit the rules.
You are not expected to make rulings, DM combat, or argue with players if they begin arguing with you.
Overall have a high level of activity on sim.
Activity review to occur every 2-4 weeks.
Tasked with all of the above, as well as helping new mentors get on their feet
Run at least monthly mentor roundups on Discord.
Should be present on sim often.
Monitor mentor presence/activity
Understand the system well to be able to answer system related questions.
May play NPCs or a stronger End Boss type character if stories call for it.
Moderate combat.​
Promote roleplay by starting spur-of-the-moment "mini-events" for players.
Design and implement meaningful storylines and events that further roleplay.
Work directly under Administrators
Assist Mentors in general duties.
Expected to be courteous, but firm.
Enforce sim rules. This may include warning and banning players.
High level of activity and presence required.
Assist Moderators in general duties.
Expected to be courteous, but firm.
Enforce sim rules. This may include warning and banning players.
High level of activity and presence required.
Monitor Dungeon Master and Moderator presence/activity.
Responsible for coordinating Dungeon Masters with a monthly meeting.
Responsible for coordinating Moderators with a monthly meeting.