Character creation starts with the HUD, which does an excellent job of visually walking you through each step. This guide will primarily focus on the actions taken after character creation in the HUD for players new to the system. However, once familiar, these steps should only take a few minutes.
If, at any point during this process, you feel you've made a choice for the character you are not happy with and are unable to change (such as picking the wrong ability at creation or the incorrect item from a chest), you can go to options in the HUD and delete the character to start the process over. However, it will also require you to redo the HUD character creation portion.​
After you have gone through creation in the HUD, the next step is to visit the Character Creation room at the sim's landing. The room is clearly marked.
Within the room, you will find 4 chests, which you can gain 1 item from each for free. A complete set will consist of a primary weapon, a secondary weapon, armor, and a consumable.
To better pick which weapons and armor to choose, one should consider their chosen ability if it requires a specific weapon or armor or the planned future style of the character. Some important things to note are that great, ranged, and focus weapons require both hands; medium and heavy armor requires an ability to wear without penalty; and martial weapons can only be wielded in the main hand.
Take note of your armor and damage/healing bonuses from your abilities and the equipment you will be using.
Each weapon has a tag that tells its type (Great, Martial, Light, Ranged, Focus), and each type comes with a base physical damage bonus (Great +3, Martial +2, Light +1, Ranged +2, Focus ​+0 but increases magical damage and healing by +2).
In addition, starter weapons come with the Shoddy tag, which applies a -1 penalty to all base stats for poor workmanship. So a Shoddy Great weapon would start at +3 and lose -1 for Shoddy, for +2 total physical damage.
Armor works similarly, with several types of armor listed by tag, and each tag has a specific base armor (Light +2, Medium +3, Heavy +4, Shield +1).
The Shoddy tag works similarly on armor, applying a -1 penalty to the item.
After selecting your equipment and figuring out the bonuses that apply, you must enter Setup Mode in the HUD, which can be found in the options menu. Once in Setup Mode (it should say so at the top of the HUD in green text), you must set a few things for your character.
Open your Combat tab to see the Damage/Healing section of the HUD.​
Click on Physical, Magical, or Cure, depending on which you have bonuses for from items or abilities, and input your total bonus into the dialogue prompt.
Repeat the step above for any of Physical, Magical, and Cure that you have bonuses for.
For armor, you must click the large double-ringed circle at the bottom right of your health orb in the main section of the HUD. Click it and input your total armor from items and abilities.
Once Armor and Damage/Healing are setup, you are finished and need to exit Setup Mode by going back into options and clicking Setup Mode again. This step is critical, as staying in Setup Mode will only allow you to use some parts of the HUD.
The last thing you will need to do is select your faction and you are done and ready to use your character on the sim.
In the options menu, click Set Faction and select the faction the character belongs to. This is important to make sure you are receiving the correct and full rewards for your character.
You can visit the Crafting section of this website to learn how to create items even if you have no intention of being a crafter. The freedom of item creation can improve RP interactions on the sim, such as creating a letter to be given to someone or a coupon for your shop to hand out, and it is a decent time to learn it by making a few 0 cost items for testing.
It is good to be familiar with setting these specific stats covered in this section (Damage/Healing and Armor), as while the HUD automates many things, it requires you to keep these stats updated yourself. You will need to do such when purchasing new and better gear or gaining new character abilities. Later, magical equipment will also require setting any attribute bonuses.
It is suggested to read the Combat Walkthrough and fight against Doblin in the Creation Room.