2-6 = Failure
7-9 = Partial Success
10+ = Success
These dice results are universal for almost everything in the HUD, with only 2 things not using these results, Fleeing and Fatigue. So it is a good idea to put this to memory as it's used often, including in combat.
Fleeing is 9+ for success with no partial success
Fatigue is 10+ for success with no partial success
When combat starts between multiple players, using the Initiative Banner to decide on turn order is best. In the HUD, click Options and then Initiative, which will drop a combat banner down for the battle. Players can click anywhere other than the top of the banner to add themselves to the list if it is not a team battle. If it is a team battle, the person who dropped the banner should click the crown at the top of the pole, set the banner to Team Battle, and set each team to a side; then, each player clicks a banner to add themselves to a side.
Once everyone that needs to be added to the banner has been, the person who dropped it should use the crown to lock the combat and shuffle the order, determining who goes first. If a person happens to have Reflexes, skip turns until they are up and start from there.​
Player 1 is first on the initiative banner.​
Player 1 emotes trying to hack at the undead and targets that player in their HUD by clicking the reticle at the bottom of the HP Orb and selecting Player 2.
Player 1 opens the Combat tab of their HUD, and since they are making a basic physical attack, they click their Prowess stat for the attempt.
Player 1 gets a result of 9 for the roll, a partial success. The HUD will automatically make Player 1 Vulnerable after the roll.
Player 1 clicks the Physical button in the Damage/Healing section of the Combat tab since they are using a physical attack.
Player 1 gets a result of 8 damage that the HUD will automatically apply to targeted Player 2 and correctly reduce the damage by Player 2's armor.
Player 1 ends their turn by clicking the banner to progress the order to the next person, Player 2.
Player 2 emotes being hacked, and trying to blast Player 1 back with a spell, so Player 2 targets Player 1 in the HUD.
Player 2 then clicks their Insight stat for the attempt since the Blast ability requires they make an Insight attempt for its use.
Player 2 gets a result of 10, a success, so the HUD will not make them Vulnerable.
Player 2 clicks the Magical button for damage, as Blast deals magical damage.
Player 2 gets a result of 6 damage that the HUD will automatically apply to targeted Player 1 and ignore their armor since it was magical damage.
Player 2 ends their turn by clicking the banner to progress the order to the next person.
The combat would go on like this.
Emote and make sure your target is the correct one (it will stay unless changed or clicked to remove the target)
Click the relevant stat for the attack or ability you are using
If the attack or ability was a partial or success, click the appropriate damage/healing button for the attack or ability you are using
Once you get comfortable with the process, it's only 1-2 clicks of the HUD and takes little to no time past your emote.