Magic in the world of Taera is very comprehensive but structured, containing vastly different types such as arcane, divine, and psionics, giving the world a large breadth of potential magical power that is kept in check by important rules and limitations to their study and practice.
All forms of magical power come from one of three sources. One is the many ley lines that crisscross over Taera's surface to fill the world with ambient magical energy that those practiced in harnessing it can create spells, rituals, or even items to use, such as wizards or artificers. Of course, this magical energy is almost endless and powered by Taera itself, and those knowledgeable know of the existence and locations of ley line crossings, or convergences, that can provide heightened magical power and cause strange occurrences in the nearby area. Because of this abundance, ley lines are the most often used source of magic and what most tend to think of when magic is discussed.

The second source of magic, and one only slightly behind that of ley line use, is divinely gifted, or divine magic. The gods entirely power this magical source, and unlike in some other worlds where there is enough ambient divine energy to potentially power the spells of clerics, druids, and other divine casters even without them following a specific deity, in Taera, all divine power is wholly secured and split between the various gods. So clerics that follow no particular god do not exist, and even druids and rangers must devout themselves to a god to receive any magical power.

The last and most varied sources of magical power are from within, and this source manifests itself in many different ways. The most common is simply that of heritage, or blood, with those connected to innate magical power from some ancestry, such as a Genasi with its elemental abilities gifted from an elemental entity in their ancestry or a sorcerer with anything from fey to demonic lineage. But there also exists the untapped power of the mind, or psionics, a source of magical power that has only been delved into in the past millennium. And unlike the generally gifted ability of other innate magic, psionics is much closer to wizardry in that everyone has the potential to use this power if they can study and put in the effort to hone their minds.