The rules are meant to be common sense, though as we all know, sometimes common sense is not so common. Rules may be adjusted/clarified as needed.
If you are being griefed, abused, or otherwise run into someone breaking any of the sim rules, please submit an Incident Report. If it is time-sensitive, contact a staff member right away. If it is something that breaks TOS, file an abuse report with LL.
Just be a good person, have fun, and write some amazing stories.
1.) You must follow Second Life Terms of Service (TOS) at all times. Anyone found to be breaking TOS will be removed immediately.
2.) This is an adult-rated sim. All players must be over 18 and all characters must look and act over 18. Excessively young-looking avatars will be asked to change or removed. This INCLUDES mesh/prim babies, who count as NPCs.
3.) No godmodding, powergaming, metagaming.
4.) Be respectful of others on sim, in group chats, and on Discord. Harassment, abuse, griefing, and general bad behavior or attempting to intentionally stir up trouble will lead to removal. ​Please avoid religious or political discussion.
5.) Keep OOC chatter in ((OOC)) brackets when in IC areas. Use IMs for extensive discussion.
6.) Combat is done using the provided HUD and system, but if all parties agree then freeform may be used.
7.) You may Fade-to-Black (FTB) if uncomfortable with an RP, but the scene did happen. Everyone has personal limits. That said, upon entering the sim you must come to an understanding that this is a Dark Medieval Fantasy Sim. Role-players will want to do things to your character that you may not necessarily agree with. The one exception to this rule is sexual encounters, which always requires consent.
8.) IC actions lead to IC consequences. Attempting to circumvent consequences may lead to a warning or ban. Example: You rob a person but refuse to engage guards and go hide in a rental or leave sim.
9.) ​Consent is required for damage to a rental.
10.) ​Gesture, particle, or noise spamming is not allowed and may be considered griefing in some cases. Any talking body parts that constantly post in chat should be removed or disabled.
11.) Public spaces can be freely explored. Entry into private rentals is not allowed unless you have permission from the renter. OOC invasion may result in warning/suspension. IC invasions must have consent of the renter(s).
12.) Photography is allowed/encouraged, but please put on an OOC titler and do not bother roleplay in progress. Visitors should wear an OOC tag to signify they aren’t engaged in active roleplay.
13.) Do not use multiple characters in combat simultaneously, do not use multiple characters to work towards the same goal/agenda, and do not trade items between your own characters even if using a 3rd party.
14.) Mount rezzing is not allowed without express permission. We do allow attached mounts if you have purchased one using the system. There are mount rezzers around sim for your use.
15.) No magic/spell HUDs, bite HUDs, or other similar items. While a lot of the effects can be very cool, they can induce a lot of lag.
16.) Please be mindful of what you have on your avatar to keep script load down. If at all possible, remove scripts from clothing, hair, weapons, etc that are not needed.
17.) NPC characters can be used for flavor in RP, but they have no stats and cannot attack, defend, or give any kind of meaningful assistance. So unless it is an NPC guard placed by us, they won't take part in combat.
18.) Don't shop around for a different staff member if one has made a decision you do not like.
19.) Any exploits related to the HUD and system will result in severe consequences. These types of actions ruin the fun for other players and the economy of the sim. All of the systems were made with the potential of exploitation in mind and contain safeguards or logs to catch any potential abuse.
20.) Respect the Lore of the Sim. While we want stories to evolve organically on their own and let roleplay take its course, there is a limit. Roleplay that flagrantly disregards established lore will be halted and players engaging in such roleplay will be asked to redirect. Further flagrant disregard of the lore will result in players who have engaged in this behavior being asked to leave the sim to seek roleplay elsewhere.
21. The sim has its own identity. While many aspects are taken from various D&D settings and medieval history, do not expect or try to push lore, character concepts, or values based on how it works somewhere else here if it conflicts with information provided by our site, sim, or staff.
As creative people, roleplayers tend to be very emotional and passionate about how they play, where they play, and who they play with. Those emotions sometimes run high. Mature adults should be able to temper the urge to lash out, and that is what is expected on this sim.
For the purposes of this sim, we will use the wikipedia definition, which follows: Harassment covers a wide range of behaviors of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behavior that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person, and it is characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness. In the legal sense, these are behaviors that appear to be disturbing, upsetting or threatening. They evolve from discriminatory grounds, and have an effect of nullifying a person's rights or impairing a person from benefiting from their rights. When these behaviors become repetitive, it is defined as bullying. The continuity or repetitiveness and the aspect of distressing, alarming or threatening may distinguish it from insult.
There is sometimes a "gray area," so we will do our best to assess any complaints from a neutral standpoint. Someone not wanting to specifically roleplay with you and so keeps interaction short is not harassment, nor is it harassment or bullying if you don't like something that happened ICly with the exception of someone willfully engaging in powergaming, metagaming, or godmoding. As noted above, insult is not necessarily harassment. Sometimes things are said in the heat of the moment. However, if it becomes a pattern of threatening messages and behavior, that would likely constitute harassment.
Any demonstrable pattern of bullying and harassment will result in removal from any business ownership or leadership positions. Depending on how egregious, it may even result in a temporary 3-day or permanent ban. This also includes bullying or poor behavior in IMs that were sent while off-sim or on Discord, IF it is directly related to events or issues on the sim. We don't care if you've been part of the community for a year or just two days. It is incumbent upon you to check your own behavior, and if you lose out on something because you could not conduct yourself as a responsible adult, that is on you.
Incident reports are available on the site. They go straight to the owners, and even if we are not able to be online immediately, they will be handled as deemed appropriate.