The Chain of Brass is not itself a single nation but is instead the name of the southern coast along the eastern tip of the western continent. Along this coastline is numerous city-states that form extensive land and sea trade routes that have made the whole region wealthy. While wars between these cities happen at times, in general, the people are much more likely to use coins to solve disputes, so the major cities along the Chain of Brass have been around for centuries. While there are many differences between these cities and people, they all participate in an extensive slave trade that has become one of the major causes of the region's wealth.
In the northeastern reaches of the Chain of Brass around Shahrusan, humans tend to have tan skin, black hair, and brown or even golden eyes, and men generally grow out their beards. They favor light, loose-fitting clothes adapted to the desert heat and sand, with fashions that feature heavily embroidered designs decorated with expensive items to display wealth and power. Similarly, they often wear jewelry made of gold or silver. Headdresses, veils, and turbans are all common items of clothing to help keep the stinging sand out of eyes and hair. Also, many who live in the deep desert have black or dark blue tattoos beneath their eyes to ward off the sun's harsh glare.

Further southwest, near the Iron Citadel and the Well of Heaven, humans will generally have light brown to coal-black skin, hazel to brown eyes, and coarse black hair worn in a variety of styles. They are generally broad-shouldered and among the tallest of humans, generally standing a hand and a half above the average human, though they tend to be thin to athletic instead of very stout. They usually favor colorful clothes that are practical and beautiful regardless of where they live. Men often wear long robes, kilts, pointed hats, or sashes, while women can be seen dressed in billowing blouses, decorative scarves, and wraps. In far-off lands, they try to stick to what is practical for the region but will generally make such outfits colorful when possible.
The Iron Citadel: Staying true to its name, the massive iron walls and gates surrounding this mountain citadel are astonishing. The fantastic sight only increases the closer one gets to its walls to see the intricate ironwork and craftsmanship that makes up its design. Believed to have once been a mighty dwarven kingdom, likely a capital city to go along with the numerous other ancient dwarven ruins found in the nearby mountains. The Iron Citadel and many surrounding ruins were long ago claimed and restored by humans and have become a city of mercenaries and military might. Its citizens are required to train at an early age and then must serve three years in the military upon reaching adulthood. It also has a large slave population bred and trained to be skilled and disciplined warriors. These people are then reinforced with countless giant iron golems to turn an already disciplined and skilled army into something few others can compete with. Of course, it is good that the eleven Warlords have no wish to expand outside of the small nations' immediate area. Instead, they rent portions of the nation's army to the highest bidders in a land of wealthy cities and countries. Because of this and their strength, they rarely see battle when hired; the simple fact that they are involved tends to force the other side to concede, and it is pretty standard for both sides of a conflict to end up in a bidding war to see who can acquire them and attain victory.
Well of Heaven: The Well of Heaven is a city of trade, selling all conceivable goods, no matter how mundane or bizarre. Traders converge on the metropolis' bazaars from around the world, even from other planes, to find whatever they wish, along with its two major exports of diamonds and slaves. Led by a secretive group called the Trademasters, who took over the city and the rest of the island out of nowhere, and then established a powerful nation with economic ties throughout the cities and kingdoms of the known world. These inhuman Trademasters form a ruling council that imposes few laws, allowing a nearly anarchic state of free trade. Still, they do use a network of diviners and holy warriors dedicated to them to keep the peace and enforce the few existing laws. Finally, just below the Trademasters, the human Tradebroker Berhanu serves as the day-to-day manager of the government, with foreign relations being handled by a network of hired humans and friendly merchants. Even with all the strangeness and secrecy, most nations, with the exception of Yord, are on good terms with the Well of Heaven.
Shahrusan: The largest of the desert nations. Shahrusan is filled with large pyramids, wondrous towers, and beautiful colored domed buildings and is the home of the divine monarch Ruby Prince Nefer-amen III. While Nefer-amen's rule is absolute, the day-to-day administration of Shahrusan is handled by the Council of the Sun. In theory, the Council is an independent body, but most Shahrusians realize the Ruby Prince holds the true power. Each city district has its own council, which generally sends one or more members to sit on the Council of the Sun. The members of these district councils are highly influential in their area, but all will defer to the Ruby Prince's agents. Sharusians are wise people who look deep into the past for answers to present troubles. Their sense of history gives them a unique perspective on the ebb and flow of power in the political landscape of the modern world. Shahrusan is also the home of the Cobra Consortium, an international trade corporation with interests all along the Chain of Brass, with some believing the Ruby Prince actually owns it. Regardless of who owns it, it is also the same consortium that built and runs Akhatar.
Akhatar: The creation of the Cobra Consortium from Shahrusan to start bringing its interests to the northeastern continent. Akhatar is a small city of pleasure and trade where people from the kingdoms of the east can experience rarities that do not exist on their continent with only a few hours of travel across the Strait of Baical from Duskmire. Thought to have been a failed project as the strange curse that affected the land across the strait actually reached the city, it, however, did not seem to hamper its goals and, in fact, has started to attract others from further west to study its effects and or experience the novelty of having been in a cursed land. For others, it is just a convenient path across the sea to experience the unknown that waits for them on the opposite continent.