Eldoria government (and Eldoria society as a whole) is built on three principles: the tolerance of all religions, a transparent government, and an efficient, prosperous system for trade. To ensure that all are treated fairly and that no one abuses the power of their office, public servants in Eldoria are regarded with a measure of suspicion and subject to regular scrutiny. The nation's ruling body is a group of 250 representatives known as the People's Council, elected by the people and including a representative from every major guild. The People's Council is led by the Supreme Elect, a position appointed by the Council's members following each election. The Supreme Elect manages the nation's Executive Office and acts as the mayor of New Eldor. The People's Council also selects a supreme vicar from the local clergy of Damok. This individual serves primarily as an adviser to the Supreme Elect. The supreme vicar also acts as the bishop of New Eldor and oversees the actions of all Eldoria's faiths.​

Being the only major country with democratically-elected leaders, Eldoria's relations with the more autocratic nations is generally poor. Foreign powers worry that their peasantry might desire freedoms similar to those earned by the people of Eldoria. This fear is reinforced by Eldoria's efforts to spread its cultural, mercantile, and philosophical beliefs beyond its borders. The nation even exhibits a willingness to bring its military might to bear when no other means of accomplishing this goal remains.
Above all else, the citizens of Eldoria are passionate about their country and their freedom. The proud people of Eldoria claimed their nation's sovereignty from the empire of Skrakin and are determined to prove to disbelievers that the concepts of freedom and equality that they hold will remain strong in the face of any hardship. The people that inhabit the nation of Eldoria are also highly opinionated, often having differing perspectives on how best to preserve their country and spread its influence. That said, almost all Eldorias share certain beliefs in common. Arguments and discussions should be based on merit rather than half-truths or falsehoods. All people have a right to have their voice heard, and one should be judged by their actions above all else. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so long as it is not actually that of a foreign power. By embracing and preserving these beliefs and others like them, the people of Eldoria hope to ensure Common Rule and the freedom it brings for many generations to come.
While it is easy to find humans with an appearance from lands all over the world, native Eldorians generally all have a pleasant appearance with olive skin, darker hair, and expressive eyes, usually in grays, greens, and ambers. Eldorians are also generally considered tall to most other Humans, averaging half a hand or so of height over the average Human.
New Eldor: The most populous and powerful city in the world. With its convenient location for trade with other continents, New Eldor was destined to be rich and powerful. However, its status has surpassed even that, with people of virtually any race native to the known world found there on any given day. Even the aquatic races living in the "Underwave" of the world's oceans can be found there due to the presence of the world's largest aquatic city at the bottom of New Eldor's bay, called Deep Eldor. Deep Eldor and New Eldor are connected by several magical portals which allow air-breathers to breathe water for a few hours and vice versa, including one immense gate larger than any of the ones in the walls ringing New Eldor itself; because of this, the two cities remain in close contact despite being controlled by separate political bodies (often with competing agendas). New Eldor is home to over four hundred thousand inhabitants and is protected not only by walls forty feet thick and fifty high but also by a carefully maintained city-size magic shield that can be generated over it in times of great emergency. Because of the shield and the also-carefully-maintained bank of destructive arcane artifacts mounted on towers built into the wall, New Eldor has never been conquered by an invading force. Since it and the small nation it rules (called Eldoria) split off from the now-defunct empire of Skrakin over two hundred years ago, no army has even dared to try.