One of the two reasons why ships rarely, if ever, try to attempt crossing the Ocean of Kings except for a few routes to the far north and south following coasts such as across the Strait of Baical. No one currently living has seen the Isle of the Dead, though it is marked quite clearly on every map as its inclusion is a must to understand why the path of travel across the known world is how it is. Stories mark it as an ancient nation that, out of necessity, had the world's largest fleet to interact and trade with the other countries of the world. While there are plenty of stories about what happened, none are certain, and all that is left is the fact that this nation was cursed with undeath at some point. Its once mighty and vast fleets are now ghostly horrors that constantly patrol the central region of the Ocean of Kings, destroying any ships that they discover. This, along with the titanic sea beasts that live in the Ocean of Kings, keeps all but the mightiest of heroes from ever attempting to pass through its water.