The Jade Sun Empire society is a feudal monarchy based on a clan structure, with eight so-called "Great Clans" and a number of minor clans. Great Clans are made up of several family lines, each with its own general-purpose within the clan. Minor clans, on the other hand, generally only have one family. Each clan also has areas of land bequeathed by the emperor under their control. However, the emperor retains ownership of all lands, and the clans essentially rent the lands they use by paying taxes annually. Members of the great and minor clans are all considered nobility. They are generally trained in their clan's schools from an early age to eventually become samurai or shugenja (elemental spellcasters). Great champions of each clan and their immediate families, a select few notable families, and the imperial family are all considered the highest rank of nobility. The rest of the families are considered lesser nobles. Outside of that, people are considered commoners and cannot increase their station past the little bit of up and down movement between the ranks of commoners.

The indomitable Crab Clan, the crafty Crane Clan, the watchful Dragon Clan, the militant Lion Clan, the spiritual Phoenix Clan, the underhanded Scorpion Clan, the exploring Unicorn Clan, and the seafaring Mantis Clan make up the Jade Sun Empire's major clans.
Humans in the Jade Sun Empire tend to have physical characteristics based on the clan they are from, but generally, they tend to have rounder faces and pale skin with black eyes and straight black hair. Jade Sun Empire Humans are also generally considered short to most other Humans, averaging half a hand or so of height under the average Human.
Nikkon: Known as Nikkon to outsiders but the Heavenly City to those born in the land, Nikkon is the empire's capital. The city itself is built around the Imperial Palace, located on a large hill, and is organized in two circles: the Inner City, inside the enchanted wall and the Outer City, closed by the outer city walls. Then, the city is further divided into districts, each directed by a governor. Their names and sizes and who governs them change over time and are often used as tools in political rivalries in the city and Imperial Court. As the home of current Emperor Matsushita Ryosei and seat of the government, much important activity occurs there—but few visitors are actually permitted to enter the city itself. Instead, business is conducted at the four “hub villages” surrounding the capital, serving as a base of operations for lesser ambassadors, merchants, and bureaucrats. Kita Chushin, the north hub village, is a center of trade, while Minami Chushin, the south village, is a communal home to poets, painters, and other artists hoping to make a name for themselves in the capital. The east village, Higashi Chushin, is the place to hire mercenaries, and the west village, Nishi Chushin, holds immense warehouses full of rice collected as taxes.