Khexstin remains one of the most powerful nations militarily in the known world. Its control of the Nandra Sea, the passage between the Northeast and Southeast continents, also gives it a vital role in much of the region's trade, especially as one of the few large nations in the region that allows slavery and the profit it brings. In the eyes of most external observers in other parts of the world, Khexstin suffers from extreme tyranny and diabolism brought about by faith in Nexus, which prevents it from truly achieving its full potential. Internal observers, including the new nobility of Khexstin, firmly believe that their faith in Nexus and their own power allows them to summon and use the forces of the Nine Hells to assist in maintaining the power necessary for Khexstin to assume its rightful role among the leading nations of the known world.
The humans of Khexstin generally are fair to pale skinned but have dark eyes and dark hair that usually makes them stick out compared to the lighter-haired Orelian and Northerners they often interact with.

Khexmar: The capital of Khexstin and home of King Vauntise III. Khexmar is a bastion of law and bureaucracy with a hauntingly beautiful gothic architectural style that remains a favorite destination for travelers. It is a wealthy city, but one where power and status draw clear lines between its people. These lines fully support those with the power to abuse those beneath them as long as they do not break laws created to be in their favor. Along with its wealth comes a powerful faith in Nexus, and with that, the rite to openly use and work with the forces of the Nine Hells for those with the power to do so. Despite the kingdom’s formal alliance with Hell and its faith in Nexus, much in the city remains ungoverned. Criminal gangs, secret societies, subversive movements, and even demon cults infest Khexmar and its lesser-known subterranean shadow-city.