The Barbarian Kingdoms are a cold, frozen place made up mostly of taiga and marshland, with much of its geography carved from the land by ancient glaciers. While this land does not easily support agriculture, it is filled with game, rich wildlife, and tough people. Home to the wild and untamable Einradinn, their ever-present wars keep their landscape changing and keep their kingdoms as wild and untamed as its people. The Einradinn are raiders, sailors, and occasionally traders, and most have a sense of adventure, as the frozen lands of the north do not generally foster the timid. Leading these people is the strongest amongst them, as each king is a powerful warrior equal to the mightiest heroes of many other lands. To claim the title of king, an applicant must defeat a frost giant warrior in single combat and carry its head through the city gates. The giant's head is then generally mounted in the throne room as proof of the king's authority. This incredibly difficult challenge ensures that only the mightiest warriors ever become kings and these kings have absolute authority over their subjects within their own kingdom, with only the gods Thrym and Nandra having a greater pull on the people.​

Typically called Barbarians, Northerners, or Northmen in other lands, the people of the Barbarian Kingdoms call themselves Einradinn. Still, they tend actually to revel in the wonder and fear those other titles that were made for them bring. Fully Human, but standing a hand above the average human, Einradinn usually have mousy blond or ginger hair, distinctive blue eyes, and broad, muscular features. Their culture puts a high value on appearance despite their reputation for savagery. They carefully braid their hair, or else have long, flowing locks, and dress themselves in the best furs they can afford (generally ermine, mink, or fox).
Axefall: The most civilized of the barbarian cities is the best way to describe Axefall. A small city in the frigid lands that is generally the furthest any traders from further south will go north. With its location just at the end of the northern passage, often called the Eye of the Storm or just the Eye, Axefall is a neutral ground that all of the barbarian kingdoms use to trade with the rest of the continent, typically in warmer seasons. This trade is a vital necessity to all of the kingdoms, as the winters are long and starvation is an ever-present danger. However, neutrality for the Barbarian Kingdoms is not the same neutrality seen elsewhere. Most traders take along their weapons and shields on these trading trips in case the chance to plunder presents itself.