The Wizardwall is an anomaly to the learned people of the world, including the scholars that dwell within it in Methodica. Unlike the other mountain ranges of the world, where the mountains are an extension of the stone beneath them and accepted as being some natural occurrence, the Wizardwall shares almost no characteristics with them and instead seems as if the entire mountain range just appeared there on top of what had previously been plains. This strange transition found underneath the mountain confuses Dwarves and scholars alike until most of the accepted reasons revolve around the idea that the entire mountain range was magically created or summoned from another plane, the latter of which works well with the fact that its heights are covered with strange magical beasts that are seen in no other places in the world. For now, at least, the mystery is one that many continue to try to uncover.

Methodica: Technically part of Eldoria, Methodica sits far from most of the nations lands, its large walls rising up from the already impressive heights of the Wizardwall. A city sprawling between the enormous rises of nearby mountains, Methodica is the home of the Great Library, the head temple of the religion of Methus. Originally the city was founded around the site of an ancient cyclopean city, and thousands of years ago the first Methusians founded their first temple to preserve the information held in the cities decaying libraries. Today, the remains of the ruins are the skeleton of the Library itself, an enormous structure of metal, crystal, and less identifiable materials embedded in the side of a large mountain. The city is home to scholars from around the world, including even a few who have made the journey from unfamiliar continents; mage-priests, wizards, elementalists, sages, and scholarly clerics abound. Methodica has no official college or school of higher learning, but many of the scholars are willing to take on assistants and apprentices, especially since most of them at any given time are engaged in some sort of research. Though Methodica's government still is officially connected to Eldoria, the religion of Methus is much older than the nation or city government- and holds more clout with most of the city's inhabitants. As a result, Methodica acts more like an independent city-state than the satellite city it supposedly is, and the city government openly claims to be independent, even while quietly sending taxes and tribute to the west. Since all important findings are almost immediately passed on to the people of Eldoria, and its research constantly improves their lives, Eldoria remains content to let Methodica go its own way.