Technically just another kingdom within the Barbarian Kingdoms, Kaldrheimr earned its position on maps based almost entirely on its military might and its people's ferocity, as it was the people of Kaldrheimr that finally broke the tip of the spear that was the Green March, the menace that had been expanding over much of the northeastern continent from the Orcwall. After solidifying their lands to the point of seeming stable to outsiders, Kaldrheimr has benefited from maritime trade up from the Kingdom of Orelia and over from the Jade Sun Empire, generally trading their exotic furs and crafted goods for the incoming wealth.
The people of Kaldrheimr are Einradinn like the rest of the Barbarian Kingdoms (see The Barbarian Kingdoms for description)

Issfold: The capital of Kaldrheimr and holding the Jagged Throne where king Einar Thrainsson, or Einar Axebreaker, currently resides. From Issfold, the king rules over the dozen or so jarls underneath him to keep order between them and plan defense and raids into the other nearby kingdoms. While in comparison to the great cities further south, Issfold may not be as grand, but the impressive longhouses and halls that make up the city are actually built with stone bases instead of wood, something that is truly rare in the Barbarian Kingdoms and marks their permanency, as well as allowing intricate stonework, wood sculpting, and painting to give impressive flair to even the most practical of buildings.